
Join Tech Monitor’s editorial team for the Tech Leaders Club, convening the C-suite of technology leadership. We invite you to share experiences and challenges with your peers as we explore strategies for gathering, cleaning and connecting data – and what this means for supercharging your transformation efforts.

Discussion Points:

  • Organising the data: where do technology leaders start in terms of finding data trapped
    in legacy systems all over the business? How do they begin the enormous task of
    migrating this data into an accessible, useable, scalable format?
  • Making better decisions: once enterprise data has been wrestled into order, how
    should leaders go about connecting it? How do they make the leap from good data, to
    technology program that are delivering clear ROI? What new products could enable
    data-led decision making in other parts of the business?
  • Owning the upkeep: who owns a business’ data? Once processes have been
    established, what is the ideal balance of responsibility between technology leaders and
    their counterparts in the rest of the business?
  • Predicting the future: how does a solid data foundation now lead to strategic thinking
    in the future? How can advanced analytics tools support technology leaders in becoming
    a strategic partner to the CEO, and driving forward-looking leadership decisions?

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